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Encuentro Espiritual English - Online Sunday Service

We can all relate to a quest, whether it is from a fairy tale or story, the hero or heroine sets out on a special journey to learn something new or find something cherished, and they become transformed because of their quest.  The same can be said of a spiritual quest.  We are the heroes and heroines in our own story as we set out on a personal journey because we yearn for something more.

Join us for this exciting journey, based on the book “The Quest” by Richard and Mary-Alice Jafolla, that will take place every week with a new adventure filled with limitless possibilities. Experience power, abundance, and love.

Join us and be the author of your own story. Every Sunday at 10:00am (ET). You can join the live chat experience on Facebook or YouTube.

Click here to find your local time.

Meet Rev. Tami Johns

Tami Johns has been a part of the Unity movement for almost 30 years in Michigan, Ohio and North Carolina.  She is currently a member of Unity of the Triangle in Raleigh, North Carolina. In addition to Unity, she has also been a member of the Baptist, United Methodist and African Methodist Episcopal churches.

New Thought and Metaphysics has long been a passion of Tami’s and after her retirement from corporate America, she earned a Bachelor’s and Master's in Metaphysics.  Her academic accomplishments also include a Bachelor’s in Communications and Human Resource Development and a Master’s in Administration.   

To follow the calling to live out her purpose, Tami is a candidate for graduation from One Spirit seminary to become an ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual minister in June 2024. She is excited to bring her passion, love and gifts to Unity Community of Light.

What is Unity?

Unity is a positive path for spiritual living that recognizes the beauty of every spiritual path. It aims at supporting people in their quest for a healthy, prosperous life, a life of significance. 

22 de octubre

Encuentro Espiritual - Servicio Dominical en línea

5 de noviembre

Taller Tu Sanación es Posible